Concentrated, like swimming in the ocean that Chardonnay is. Tight and playful in the mouth, with all that acid and sulphide and nerve, underneath layers of preserved lemon, olive brine, white peach and crushed nuts. One for the ages.
The Fighting Gully Road Chardonnay is sourced from the Smith's Vineyard in Beechworth, the first vineyard planted in the region of the modern era. The vineyard is tended to by Mark Walpole, one of Victoria's most respected grape-growers, who transformed the region into one of the best in Australia. He is a mentor to all winemakers and growers in the area, and around the world. Coupled with the impressive winemaking talent of Adrian Rodda, one of Beechworth’s finest makers, you have a recipe for some serious wine. The pair take their prolific experience and transform it into a stunning array of wines that really show the beauty that Beechworth has to offer.